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#1 Nagyi oldal az interneten

Csatlakozzon 100% INGYEN és vegye fel a kapcsolatot

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Kenpleazer Adatlap információk

Looking for something real
Év 52 Honnan való? Newark, Delaware - Elérhető - Tegnap
Férfi keres Hölgyet

Általános adatok

Iam a hopless romantic and very thoughtful. I am generous to a falt .too trusting and starting over with next to nothing. Iam not looking to move in or get married . I don't want any thing from anyone except a Lil time. A few minutes to get to know you n you to know me if there's an attraction physically and both agree . I'll accept you for you if you'll accept me.for me . We all have pasts naturally. What's done is done and in the rear view mirror. Iam looking down the road and it's becoming clearer . As the end of the journey draws nearer.ive been alone for the past six yrs and I have many regrets but no fears . .I live an active life style . I been heath conscious for a while . Everything still works . Now smile. Yeah like that . Thanks so you know iam Lawrence Joseph, most call me Larry. But those who know me call me wild Mann. It's a great story , how I got that nick name.maybe if we get the chance I'll explain.
Some of my favorite things not necessarily in order
The red hot chilli peppers
Rock n heavy metal
The blues
And instrumentals
Some music needs no lyrics
I can't name any but I know em when I hear it.
You tube for learning
My job at millcroft living for earning a living.
Teaching the young that want to learn
Cool nights by the light of a fire
Candle lit dinners to help set the mood
Iam a meat n potatoes kinda dude
Humor laughter chuckles n cackles
Nylon stockings high heels
Sexy legs pretty feet n strong ankles
A nice butt a firm rump not too skinny not to plump
Dresses n skirts n chocolate cake for dessert
Ice cream
Ben n Jerry's
The ocean surfing the road longboarding
The mountains snow boarding
Harley Davidson bikes I own two
The color pink I know it's not a guy's color but it's my favorite. N like no other.
Sweet tea with lemon
Bourbon neat
Vodka with anything but nothing cheap
Fresh sheets dried by the breeze n sun
And messing them up just for fun
Passionate soulful kisses
Wishing for more wishes
Scrapple n runny eggs home fry n toast
These are a few of my favorite things
But my lady I like the most
She comes first and often as iam able
Happily ever after has twice turned to disaster
I can go slow but if you like to go faster. Iam good at many things but at one I am a master
I work with my hands they are ruff
Back scratches I can't get enough .
Steak n onions on the grill.
These are facts I can't sit still but iam learning to relax
Healthy snacks
Dogs over cats
Be real I know how to act
Jeans over slacks
Convertible Cadillac s
Backless dresses
Real breasts over fakes
Rivers over lakes
Iam a giver not one that takes
Iam an artist I like to create
And always love over hate
If you read this far and I've got your full attention
There are a few other things I don't need to mention
Curves you should have some so I can rub youthe right way .
I also like to rub my lady's feet after a hard day
Nights iam at my best what else can I say

Megjelenés és helyzete

1.88 m
Szemeim színe  
Családi állapotom  
Vannak gyerekeim  
Szeretnék gyerekeket  
Nem biztos benne
Az amire büszke vagyok:  
Stratégiailag elhelyezett tetkó
Hajam színe:  
Sötét szőke
Nincs háziállat


Középiskolai végzettség
Maintenance journeyman
Ez évi bevételem  
14,625,918 - 18,282,154 HUF
Alkalmanként átjönnek a barátaim
Igen - de nem dohányt
Kedvelem az alkoholt  
Igen - társaságban


Vallási nézeteim:  
Részt veszek a vallási szertartásokon:  
To finish .
Okos, Ostobának, Burleszk, Mocskosnak


Mit nézek?  
Rajzfilmek, Dokumentumfilm, Komédia, Oktató műsorok, Filmek
Mit nézek a moziban?  
Akció, Tudományos fantasztikum, Komédia, Dokumentum film, Krimi, Felnőtt tartalom
Amikor zenét hallgatok, mindig meghallgatom a  
Rap, Rock, Metal, Blues, Reggae
Mit olvasok?  
Komikus, Fikció, Tudományos irodalom, Tudományos fantasztikum, Technnikai irodalom, Romantikus filmek, Erotikus irodalom
Mit jelent a szórakozás a részemre:  
Many things are fun but having fun with that someone in your life weather it's a date or an anniversary having fun together is nessaceary


Mit tart vonzónak?  
Szellemesség, Flörtölős, Ügyesség, Humor, Jó kinézet, Tudás
Mi az ami után kutat?  
The one who's looking back at me
Mi után kutat?  
Nem fontos